I believe that everyone want to
figure out his needs. No matter for the relationship or the work and even for
whole life. Although sometimes we are confusion, we still try our best to find
out “what do I want?”. Because Life is short, we don’t want to live confound.
So ask yourself and consider “what do you want?”
For example, when you go shopping, you can ask
yourself what trendy clothing style do you want? What prices you can accept? For this part man do
better than women, because man just wanna buy clothing that his want.
generally, when man bought the clothes he want, he will not look other
But we are females, beauty is our natural. We
always buy things like latest fashion dresses out of plan. Have you regard what you bought? Have you overspend? If
yes. ask yourself what skirt wear style or
dress style you want to shop? don’t let the Salesman or others control your
choice. Buy the stuff that you really like.
So as a relationship. Sometimes people broke up
because we think he/she is not the right one. But who is the right one? some
people are pretty sure, because they know what they want clearly. Some people
don’t know, but I think they will figure out finally, however, although they
don’t know but they still have some preference. So when you are in a
relationship ask yourself what do you want, do you want to be with he/her? do
you want to face all the happy and difficult things together? if yes, Love The
One You're With. But when you’re broken up don’t over Excessive sad. Maybe, he
is not the right one for you. maybe it’s harsh, but you are not the right one
for him. And maybe he/she is just don’t know what he/she want, once figure out,
he/she will make his/her choice. So don’t over sad, life gotta be movie on.
For the work, Don't worry too much about the
ambiguous future; just make effort for the explicit present. If you have dream,
don’t give up, make steps for your dreams. Accomplish them one by one. give up
is easier but life is short, do something meaningful, if you have a dream, just
go for it.
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